Dofollow and Nofollow Links - Difference?

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Over the past a few years, search engine giants like Google and Bing tend to be more effective in providing better search results for the users.  As a matter of fact, many people use black hat SEO techniques to build up SERP Rankings to boost their traffic. Building high quality backlinks to your site/blog will improve your ranking which results in an increase of total number of your daily visitors.

Search engines assign rankings to a URL when they notice that Dofollow links are pointing towards it. As a result of Dofollow links pointing to your site, you will start getting a lot of traffic to that particular URL. Recently, Google has confirmed that they use social media’s Nofollow links to determine the popularity of the pages. Facebook likes, Tweets and +1’s are worth mentioning in this regard.

Many newbie bloggers have no idea what Dofollow and Nofollow links are. So, here is a simple explanation: 

Dofollow – The most powerful way to influence search engines to redirect a lot of traffic to your site. It works like this: Once a reputable source points a Dofollow link to your site, Google assigns a Page Rank to the specific URL, towards which the Dofollow links are pointing. Actually, the linked source is passing Page Rank juice and giving it authority to influence SERPS rankings. You can easily check a link’s attribute by right clicking it, and then inspect element – the source code will tell you the nature of that link. You can also use different plugins, depending on your browser, to check every link present on the page.

Nofollow – Nofollow links can be relevant to your post’s context and can come from the sources which have a potential to generate high referral traffic.  Back in the year 2005, Google informed the blogger community through a blog post that they should change all the links to nofollow, because at that time many bloggers were misusing this feature to manipulate SERP rankings. Right after that, web giants like Wikipedia, Tumblr, Word press and many other reputable sites changed their outgoing links to nofollow. 



Unknown said...

Thanks for the awesome information about dofollow and nofollow. Now i can that seo expert i hired performing what type of link building for me.

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