Value Corporations Counter strike is one of the
best first person shooting game (FPS) ever made. Back in 2000, the game was created
after a modification was made to half-life. Counter strike offers online game play through a server that allows multiple users to connect and play. You can use
your Ethernet network or Internet to connect to a specific server with an IP address.
Ethernet Server connection don’t require any customization in game or router settings, but for Internet game play you need to configure your router to let your friends find your server through as specific IP address. Many CS newbies don’t know how to configure their own servers.
Here’s how to set up Gaming server on PTCL
Broadband Routers. [Step by Step]
To configure your router setting open internet
explorer or Mozilla Firefox. Enter in the address bar. This is the
address to access your modem configuration which varies from model to model.
This address work on a large range of PTCL routers.After entering IP address a pop-up box will
appear in your browser. You need to enter your username and password to
authenticate access to your router configurations. Default id and password.Defaults:
Password: admin
Username: admin
Now go to advance setup>> Nat >> Virtual Servers.
Select a half-life from a list of game. It will automatically add internet and external port numbers. You need to select TCP/UDP protocols for your virtual servers. These protocols handle the transfer through your network.
You also need to enter an ip address. Enter
Save and apply.
Now go to your Ethernet [LAN] Settings Properties.
Uncheck Internet Protocol Version 6 (TCP/IPV6).
Go to Internet Protocol 4 (TCP/IPV4) properties.
Use Following Setting and validate upon exit.
Now Google your currently browsing ip and send it to your friends with a forwarding port number! Enjoy CS!
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